So my PC just did one of it's occasional 'crash & reboot' routines, something I've been trying to get to the bottom of for a while, and when it came back my FM14 save-game is corrupted. The issue is that I've not been maintaining a rolling backup, and the last accessible save I have is three games into the 2017/18 season.
I'm feeling rather deflated, as you might imagine, but also somewhat torn about how to proceed. On the one hand I would love to turn this save into a success story for Strasbourg, on the other I'm not sure how I feel about replaying the season over.
It's not that I don't have the time or the inclination, but rather that there are decisions that I'd probably want to make differently. Signings I wouldn't make, etc.
So I'm going to sleep on it, but I'd also appreciate your input here guys. The way I see it there's three options, and I'd like to know what you think...
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