Wednesday, 15 April 2015

I'm Still Alive : The Future

Those of you who've follow me on Twitter, or indeed on the blog, may be wondering what's been going on of late.

If you've followed the blog for a while will be aware of personal circumstances that came to light early in December 2014. I've not really expanded much on that, as this really isn't the forum, but just to assure everyone that things are fine; treatment is ongoing and the early stages have been effective, although surgery remains the only solution.

In the meantime I've not been playing a lot of Footy Manager, not really because of health (I really am fine), but because of work pressures, because of just wanting a bit of a break, and because I bought myself a PS4 and GTAV - the latter fact almost coinciding with my last blog updates.

I had, following a 'vote' on Twitter, set up an FM Classic save with a whole bunch of random leagues, and picked a Chilean team to manage - the plan being for a quicker paced 'journeyman save', regular updates - possibly a little more 'story' based, but still with occasional tactical pieces. That's still something I'd like to do, but not something I'll be diving into any time in the immediate future.

I've finally sorted out dates for surgery, and plans for work and holidays in the run up to it. I'll be going under the knife early in June, so before then I'm cramming the next 4 or 5 weeks with a holiday, some gigs, a bit of work, and whatever else I can squeeze in.

Surgery is likely to see me in hospital for a fortnight or so, so an excellent opportunity to catch up on the dozens of books I have waiting to be read, then it'll be home for convalescence. That's where FM could well come to my rescue, as I'm likely to be largely housebound for a good few weeks. Obviously we'll see how I feel at that time, but having a dip into the FMC save is high on my list of ways to pass that time.

Until then I do keep dipping into the output of the rest of the community, and I'll make brief forays onto Twitter - I may not be as visible as before, but rest assured that I am alive!

(Dave Solomon)